The escape artist of the year wins a cool €250!
'Swindling is a skill that can be trained.' David Smerdon's mantra is fast gaining ground and New In Chess is launching a competition to encourage you to save more points from lost positions.

In January 2021 the Judge of the New In Chess Swindle Award, none other than the author of The Complete Chess Swindler, Grandmaster and behavioural economist David Smerdon himself, will reveal who has played the best Swindle of 2020 and earns the €250 prize.
The rules of the competition are simple:
- The Swindle must have been played in 2020.
- Your submission needs to be received by December 31, 2020.
- You can submit your own Swindle, but also a Swindle played by someone else.
- The person who played the Swindle is the contender for the award.
- Swindles played in games with various time controls are admissible.
- With your submission you need to provide a verifiable record of the game in which the Swindle was played; for example, a link to the tournament database, or a file from an online chess server.
- The Swindles you submit may be published in New In Chess magazine.
In order to compete, send in your swindles to swindles@newinchess.com before December 31, 2020.
Your Swindle could earn a cool €250!
"Fills a real gap in chess literature." – GM Daniel King
"The book shines with terrific examples and explanations. I must recommend it to every chess friend, because the next lost position may come sooner than expected!" – IM Dirk Schuh
"A truly evil book." – GM Matthew Sadler