Yearbook 108 hardcover
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Description / Yearbook 108 hardcover
The Forum has sharp reactions to previous Surveys and hot new developments. Anish Giri analyses his Sämisch King’s Indian with Sergey Karjakin from the Zug Grand Prix, and readers like Marc Schroeder and IM’s Jose Vilela and Richard Palliser share some interesting lines.
In Benjamin’s Opening Takes, Joel Benjamin shows how top players like Magnus Carlsen and Viswanathan Anand avoid Open Sicilians nowadays. Alexey Kuzmin provides an inside view of the Tal Memorial in Kuzmin’s Harvest.
This Yearbook contains a preview of Sergey Kasparov’s upcoming book Steamrolling the Sicilian for New In Chess, about the line 5.f3.
Glenn Flear reviews Evgeny Sveshnikov’s The Grand Prix Attack, Dreev vs the Benoni, John Shaw’s The King’s Gambit and The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit by Luc Henris, and makes a rather surprising discovery.
The legendary London Candidates’ keeps producing new Surveys, also several in this issue. New authors are Rustam Khusnutdinov, who presents an original way to play the Closed Sicilian, and Piotr Wolochowicz on a bizarre King’s Gambit line
Sicilian Defence - Moscow Variation 3.Bb5 - SI 1.3-4 - Tiviakov
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - SI 19.14 - Van der Tak
Sicilian Defence - Rossolimo Variation 3...e5 - SI 31.1 - Illingworth
Sicilian Defence - La Bourdonnais Variation 4...e5 - SI 32.2 - A. Kuzmin
Sicilian Defence - Closed Variation 3.f4 - SI 44.6 - Khusnutdinov
Pirc Defence - Austrian Attack 7.Bc4 - PU 12.9 - Rodi
French Defence - Tarrasch Defence - FR 17.10 - S. Kasparov
Scandinavian Defence - Gubnitsky-Pytel Variation 3...Qd6 - SD 8.11 - S. Kasparov
Ruy Lopez - Early Divergences after 3...a6 4.Ba4 - RL 13.5 - Van der Wiel
King’s Pawn Openings - Philidor Defence 4.Nc3 Nbd7 - KP 4.9+13 - Cabrera Pino
King’s Gambit - Declined 2...Nc6 - KG 5.1 - Wolochowicz
Slav Defence - Chebanenko Variation 6.c5 - SL 3.1 - Lukacs/Hazai
Slav Defence - Tolush/Geller Gambit 6.a4 - SL 3.3 - Okhotnik/Appleberry
Slav Defence - Schlechter Variation 4...g6 - SL 10.3+8 - Kidambi
Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Alekhine Variation 4...b5 - QG 5.9 - Antic/Dorfanis
Queen’s Indian Defence - Central Variation 4.e3 - QI 3.9 - I. Almasi
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation: Other Lines - GI 3.3 - Karolyi
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Nf3 - GI 4.4 - Gledura/Csonka
Grünfeld Indian Defence - 5.h4 Line - GI 7.1 - Olthof
King’s Indian Defence - Sämisch Variation 6...c5 - KI 48.12 - Ikonnikov
King’s Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 6...Nbd7 - KI 65.3 - De Dovitiis
Benoni Defence - Volga Gambit 5.cb5 - BI 19.9 - Tay
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3.d4 - EO 32.4 - Finkel
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 4...g6 - EO 34.3 - Vilela
English Opening - Anti-Grünfeld Line 5.Qb3 - EO 52.9 - Fogarasi
Rëti Opening - 1...d5 2.c4 dc4 - RE 10.1 - Skatchkov/Frolyanov
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More Information
ISBN | 9789056914240 |
Weight | 612.000000 |
Publisher | New In Chess |
Number of pages | 256 |
Publication date | Jan 1, 2013 |
Choose your edition | Hardcover |