Yearbook 81

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov takes the Four Knights for a rough ride
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Description / Yearbook 81

Readers from all over the world join in discussions of previous surveys. Titled players, correspondence players and club players shed their light on opening developments and search together for the truth. With contributions by Efstratios Grivas, Yochanan Afek, Tansel Turgut and many others.

Sosonko’s Corner
Genna Sosonko remembers a conversation with Evgeny Sveshnikov who told him that the Scotch move 3.d4! was better than the Ruy Lopez move 3.Bb5. In a special Survey Sosonko shows that the Scotch gives White just a small advantage, but for real players like Walter Browne ‘a little is enough’.

Book Reviews
Opening guru Sveshnikov returns in Glenn Flear’s Reviews with his book on the Advance French. In his customary lucid style, the English GM has a look at two wider-range opening books: Watson & Schiller’s ‘How to Succeed in the Queen Pawn Openings’ and ‘Chess Openings for White, Explained: Winning with 1.e4’ by Alburt, Dzindzichashvili, Perelshteyn and Lawrence, the latter being complementary to ‘Winning with 1.d4’. Useful weapons for amateur players, as is Karpov’s and Podgaets’s ‘Caro-Kann Defence’, a book with ‘charming comments’ that marks the start of a new series by the 12th World Champion.

34 Surveys
Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 6.g3 A. Kuzmin
Sicilian Defence Rossolimo Variation 3.Bb5 Fogarasi
Sicilian Defence Anti-Sveshnikov 3.Nc3 e5 Skatchkov
Sicilian Defence Alapin Variation 2...d5 Sveshnikov
Pirc Defence Austrian Attack 6...Na6 Marin/Stoica
King’s Fianchetto 3.c4 Line Rogozenk
King’s Fianchetto 3.Nf3 Line Grivas
French Defence Closed Variation 4...b6 Pert
French Defence Winawer Variation 7...0-0 I. Almasi
Caro-Kann Defence Advanced Variation 4.Be3 Boersma
Scandinavian Defence Main Line 3...Qd6 Tzermiadianos
Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence 7...Ne4 Matamoros
Ruy Lopez Berlin Defence 7...Nf5 I. Almasi/Z. Almasi
Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack 8...d5 Van der Tak
Italian Game Two Knights Defence 4.d3 Tiviakov
Four Knights Opening Rubinstein Variation 4...Nd4 Panczyk/Ilczuk
King’s Gambit Early Deviations, various Karolyi
King’s Gambit Early Deviations 2...Bc5 De Zeeuw
Nimzowitsch Opening Dodo Variation 3...Bg4 Van der Wiel
Various Openings Schlenker Gambit 1.Nc3 g6 2.h4 Herbold
Various Openings Budapest Gambit 3...Ng4 Moskalenko
Slav Defence Chameleon Variation 5.c5 A. Kuzmin
Slav Defence Krause Variation 6.Ne5 Olthof
Catalan Opening Accepted Variation 5...Bb4 Anka
Nimzo-Indian Defence Classical Variation 4...d5 Vladimirov
Nimzo-Indian Defence Classical Variation 4...0-0 Lukacs/Hazai
Queen’s Indian Defence Classical Variation 4...Bb7 Langeweg
Grünfeld Indian Defence Fianchetto Variation 5...c6, 6...d5 Galkin
King’s Indian Defence Gligoric Variation 7.Be3 Mikhalevski
King’s Indian Defence Averbakh Variation 5.Be2, 6.Bg5 Inarkiev
King's Indian Defence Sämisch Variation 5.f3 Kapengut
Queen’s Pawn Opening Colle System 3...b6 Sulava
English Opening Reversed Dragon 3.g3 Lukacs/Hazai
English Opening Symmetrical Variation ...g6 Grivas 

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More Information

ISBN 9789056911898
Weight 474.000000
Publisher New In Chess
Number of pages 248
Publication date Jun 1, 2006
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