Learning Chess Workbook Step 2 Mix

The Step-by-Step Method
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Description / Learning Chess Workbook Step 2 Mix

The step-by-step method has been developed by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children to play chess. A large number of schools and chess clubs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria use this method for their chess lessons. 

This method consists of six steps. Each step is accompanied with an instruction book with the teaching material to be used by the trainer / teacher / parent and a workbook with exercises for the students. Besides the "extra" and "plus" workbooks, there is now a new series: the "mix" workbooks.

In the Step 2 mix workbook are 61 pages with exercises, which means as many as 61x12=732-14 (drawings e.o) = 718 puzzles.

The theme's are known from Step 2, Step 2 plus, Step 2 thinking ahead and the lower Steps. A workbook containing exercises with one ‘simple’ assignment: play the best move. Just like in a real game, you do not know whether you can win or whether you have to defend. First, look at what’s going on? Which targets can you exploit? What is the opponent threatening? Is it time to draw? In short, all kinds of stuff.
Two kinds of puzzles are different: on each page you will find a multiple choice question and a position with a line below the diagram. Only on the last 4 pages there is an indication of the theme: 4 pages with mate in two problems.

More Information

Weight 156.000000
Publisher Van Wijgerden
Number of pages 64
Publication date Oct 1, 2017
Choose your edition Paperback

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