My Great Predecessors Part II

Euwe - Botvinnik - Smyslov - Tal
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Description / My Great Predecessors Part II

Part two features the play of champions Max Euwe (1935-1937) Mikhail Botvinnik (1946-1957, 1958-1961 and 1961-1963), Vassily Smyslov (1957-1958) and Mikhail Tal (1960-1961).

These books are more than just a compilation of the games of these champions. Kasparov's biographies place them in a fascinating historical, political and cultural context. Kasparov explains how each champion brought his own distinctive style to the chessboard and enriched the theory of the game with new ideas.

All these games have been thoroughly reassessed with the aid of modern software technology and the new light this sheds on these classic masterpieces is fascinating

More Information

ISBN 9781781945162
Weight 1000.000000
Publisher Everyman
Number of pages 462
Publication date Aug 7, 2020
Choose your edition Paperback

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