  • Double Trouble Scandinavian Style
    Two Repertoires for Black
  • The Caro-Kann The Easy Way
    Understand and implement the fundamentals of the Caro-Kann, the easy way
  • The Safest Scandinavian Reloaded
    A Black Repertoire based on 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6
  • Play the French with 3...dxe4
    A complete repertoire to meet 1 e4
  • The London Files
    Defanging the London System
  • Opening Repertoire: Queen's Gambit Accepted
    A complete repertoire for Black to counter 1 d4
  • The Queen's Gambit Accepted
    A Modern Counterattack in an Ancient Opening
  • The Modern Gurgenidze
    A Counterpunching Repertoire for Black
  • Opening Repertoire: The English Defence
    A complete repertoire for Black to counter 1 d4
  • Playing for a win with ...b6
    A full repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.c4
  • The Modern Nimzo-Indian
    A book for the adventurer who wants to start playing the Nimzo but is afraid of drowning in its lines
  • Playing the Sveshnikov
    An Active Repertoire
  • Opening Repertoire: Queen's Gambit Declined: Tarrasch
    A complete repertoire for Black to counter 1 d4
  • Keep it Simple for Black
    A Solid and Straightforward Chess Opening Repertoire for Black
    As low as €29.95
  • The Polish Defense
    Systems for Black Based on ...b5
  • The Dragon Sicilian
    A Take-No-Prisoners Repertoire Versus 1.e4
    As low as €21.99
  • Opening Repertoire: The Killer Dutch Rebooted
    A swash-buckling opening that favors the brave and fearless chess player
  • Opening Repertoire: the Black Lion
    Take away White’s initiative from a very early stage
  • Opening Repertoire: the Slav
    A complete repertoire for Black against 1 d4
  • The Taimanov-Scheveningen Hybrid
    A full repertoire based on the Taimanov move order with 4. ... Nc6!
  • King's Kalashnikov Sicilian
    A Dynamic Black Repertoire for Club Players
    As low as €21.99
  • Opening Repertoire: The Sicilian Taimanov
    Nigel Davies guides you through the Taimanov
  • Grandmaster Repertoire - King's Indian 2
    Tired of bad positions? Try the main lines!
  • The Arkhangelsk Ruy Lopez
    Repertoire for Black
  • Play the O'Kelly Sicilian
    A wonderful system for those who enjoy playing Sicilian positions but don’t want to get bogged down in heavy theory
  • Grandmaster Repertoire - King's Indian 1
    Tired of bad positions? Try the main lines!
  • Countering The Queen's Gambit
    A Compact (but Complete) Black Repertoire for Club Players against 1.d4
    As low as €19.95
  • A Disreputable Opening Repertoire
    A highly adventurous repertoire designed to meet 1 e4 with 1...e5 and take the initiative!
  • Attacking 1...d5 (Volume 2)
    Completing the work of building a full repertoire against set-ups with ...d5
  • The Sicilian Four Knights
    A Simple and Sound Defense to 1.e4
  • Opening Repertoire: The Nimzo-Indian and Queen’s Indian Defences
    Two Classic Systems for Black to Meet 1 d4
  • Grandmaster Repertoire - The Berlin Defence
    Tired of bad positions? Try the main lines!
  • Attacking 1...d5 (Volume 1)
    A gambit treatment of the Slav and the Semi-Slav
  • Grandmaster Repertoire - Leningrad Dutch
    Tired of bad positions? Try the main lines!
  • Grandmaster Repertoire - Dutch Sidelines
    Tired of bad positions? Try the main lines!